Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Direct reply to `Andrew's Inner Sanctum - Easter Friday`

Before I start to write I am going to read this blog once more.

Ok, Andrew, My first thought is ignorance.(Likewise if religion bores you move forward a bit.)

I simply don’t see how someone dying painfully nailed on a cross (whether it be fiction or fact) can be seen in any way good. I’ve been brought up to see that murder, for whatever purpose is a very bad thing...

There’s a large number of people who aren’t Christians (especially Muslims, Hindus and Atheists etc) who won’t be spending the day in church feeling sorry for Jesus and eating fish.

Let me help you understand.(and before i do let me say i am not overly religous, i havent stepped foot in a church since 1984) Whether you believe in Jesus or God or neither or both...The story goes something like this...Jesus Died for oue sins, He was`nt murdered for our sins. He died because, as the story goes "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, ...` Thats what VERY religious people and like myself non practicing believers believe in. Its called faith Andrew. You know what Faith is? Faith is believing in something that you can not see or hear or touch. You are probably thinking "that stupid and/or dangerous` Which i agree with, however having faith in something that encourages you to love man, forgive, do good deeds, be happy with yourself and generally be a good person even though there is no proof you will be rewarded is neither dangerous nor stupid. There are extremists in all religions that cause danger and stupidity. But the people who shake tins for those without, for nothing except the knowledge they are trying to make the world a better place are NOT stupid. People seem to have a HUGE problem with Easter but ANZAC day and such does`nt seem to be a concern. I have my own head scratcher - I simply don’t see how someone dying painfully in the throes of war(whether it be justified or unjust) can be seen in any way good. I’ve been brought up to see that murder, for whatever purpose is a very bad thing... ANZAC day is ok, because we see the diggers and war veterans. We dont see god in a physical form so we can all assume that what we dont see does`nt exist so we cant offend people with the logic that there is no proof so we should`nt bother...So what do we do now? Well we could continue celebrating a day one man made a supreme sacrifice for the good of the world... Nah because Andrew wants to go the shop...

Now the shopping part - Straight out I am going to say people who have this obsession with having shops open 24/7 in case they want to buy a bottle of milk or a packet of chewies, really irritate me. There is more to life than going to the supermarket. You probably already kind of know this, however we all have the `right` to be able to spend our money in a huge sterile shop any time we feel the need. ONE DAY Andrew ONE DAY of the year, I know you may come back and complain about other public holidays you dont like, but you seemed to be most affected by Easter. Why because of your religious views? Also do you actually consider that people have to WORK in the shops? I know most people who do work in shops wait anxiously for times like Easter, I would be hard pressed for even one of them to be thinking ` Gosh i feel guilty, I`d rather be waiting at work in case someone like Andrew really needs to buy some carrots, This stupid holiday! Now i have to relax and spend time with my family and friends` Shopping IS NOT the be all and end all. If people like yourself dont have the foresight to get what you need in the preceding days or who`s only form of entertainment is hearing someone say `Do you have fly buys?`,then maybe you should get a new hobby. There are 365 days in a year, we have about 52 Sundays, though some shops are still open. Another thing i found interesting was this line - The newspaper isn’t printed (even though the internet doesn’t take a break thank goodness) Guess what? The people who deliver the newspaper get 2 days of per year, yes TWO and if the Sunday times falls on Xmas day they then they only get 1 day off that year, the other being - Yep, Easter Friday. You come across to me as someone who wants everything ready for him. If you made the rules everyone would work everyday except you and the job you do We then have about 12 public holidays. So that leaves about 300 days to go and do your shopping. I myself worry about the internet filter, Kevin Rudd screwing up the economy and when the next bill is due. Sorry to say this but the world does not revolve around you. We are not waiting for your next wish and whim to be satisfied. Stop complaing that you have to go one whole day without shopping and stop worrying about yourself. Think about the hard workers that do get an extra day off. Think about the people who ARE religious and consider Easter a special time.Think about someone else besides your selfish self.